Boston ADHC


Blue Hill Adult Day Health Center

Blue Hill Adult Day Health Center is the best adult day cares in Boston United Stated. Here we are providing a healthy, safe and cheerful atmosphere for the adults of greater Boston areas. We are very proud to be the leading adult day care Boston. From last three years, we are offering extensive Dorchester ADHC to our service areas. Our caring team helps older adults live comfortably in a friendly environment. The services we offer are personalized and adapted for each loving seniors to ensure the best care in enjoyable ways. If you are looking for help for a loved one or for yourself we appreciate to contact us. Our specialty is our uncompromised service quality. Blue Hill Adult Day Health Center provides:

Transportations Facilities:

Comfortable transportation is the main feature of our care center. Shine or rain, our transport will be at your door. Transportation also allotted to doctor visits, emergency care, and recreational activities.

Delicious and Balanced Nutrition:

It has significantly proved that a balanced diet is very essential for sound health. Every day we provide a variety of foods to develop a delicious menu ensuring balanced nutrition for the adults. We serve authentic Haitian, Spanish, and Cape Verdean food besides American popular foods.

Medication Management:

Proper medication can reduce and control any fatal disease. Our skilled caregivers perform basic education on proper medications, medication reconciliation, therapy management, etc. Also, Our nursing staffs work closely with the clients to make sure perfect medical care.

Daily Activities:

Blue Hill Adult Day Health Center Arrange daily activities such as physical exercise, ESL classes, dominos, arts and crafts, bingo, group outings as well to make them active with happiness.

Beauty Salon Services:

At Blue Hill Adult Day Health Center we have our own beauty salon to be clean and make a fresh look. It brings strength and energy to the senior citizen.

You are searching for a better Spanish Adult Daycare Boston? Blue Hill ADHC is the only Adult care in Boston that gives you Spanish Adult Day care, Cape Verdean Adult Day care, and Haitian daycare for adults.

Our dedicated team is workings immeasurably to deliver great service. All the team members are experts and come from a particular field. And all these skills make a balanced team of caring with love, respect, and worth. Come to Blue Hill Adult Day Health Center and try our service once. We believe we can wow you. Call us at (617) 704-9444 for any help regarding our services. Follow us at Facebook and Instagram to know any updates from us.
